Please note that there is a late change in venue.

The venue is now:

Cempaka Restaurant, 18-30 Lexham Gardens, London W8 5JE

(The restaurant is inside the Park City Grand Plaza Hotel)

Nearest tube: Gloucester Road, Earl's Court

This is a change from the original venue which was going to be the Halia Restaurant.

BMS delegation visit to Kuala Lumpur   18-22 November 2024

The International Trade Group at BMS is arranging a delegation to visit Kuala Lumpur 18-22 November 2024. Anyone interested in promoting their business with Malaysia or wishing to just visit Malaysia is welcome to join the delegation.

Delegates will be responsible for making their own arrangements for travel and accommodation but BMS will inform delegates about any deals on offer. Delegates are free to make their own araangements before and after the core dates 18-22 November.

BMS 2024 Malaysia Delegation - Information Session

On Wednesday 14 August 2024, BMS is holding an informal Information Session for all who are interested in going on the November delegation. There will be  short presentations on what is involved and covered on the Visit, as well as time to deal with questions about the Visit.

There is no charge to attend this information session.

Date: Wednesday 14 August 2024

Time: 6:00pm for 6:30pm

Venue: Cempaka Restaurant, 18-30 Lexham Gardens, London W8 5JE

(The restaurant is inside the Park City Grand Plaza Hotel)

Nearest tube: Gloucester Road, Earl's Court


6:00pm for 6:30pm Arrival of attendees

6:30pm to 7:30pm  Presentations on the visit followe by Q&A.

7:30pm to 9:30pm  OPTIONAL - Malaysian dinner.

Download the Flyer for the Information Session Here


Please reserve your place(s) as soon as possible.

There is no charge to attend the Information Session part of this event.

Booking can be made using the online booking system. Please select the number of tickets required, then click on the "Book Now" button below.

Optional Dinner

Those attendees who wish to stay for dinner should look up the Menu on the Halia restaurant's website and place your order for food/drinks with Mei Sim Lai by the end of the day on Friday 9 August.

View Halia Restaurant Menu

Payment for food and drinks including restaurant service charge will be collected from you on the day.

To book for dinner, or if you have any queries, please contact Mei Sim Lai OBE DL as soon as possible by email at:

[email protected]   or  Mobile/WhatsApp 07903 153 793.

Book tickets

You cannot book tickets for past events.

The British Malaysian Society Office address is 124 City Road London EC1V 2NX.
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